We ran across Yugnich on twitter, badmouthing local chefs, restaurants and famous food writers. To be honest we didn’t know what to make of his strange grammar and weird ideas, after this interview we still don’t! We do know that Yugnich may or may not be best mates with Rachel Khoo, Jay Reiner and Giles Coren, he may or may not work in a pet shop, he loves to draw and really loves his muscles….
He does write about food though (sort of) http://yugnicheats.wordpress.com and you can find him tweeting in all your favourite foodies ears @YugnichGritkin
Thanks for the interview… we think… =]
What got you into food writing?
i was hangin with my frend Twiz an we were playin sum Skyrim an he asked me if i Had any food for him to eeat becos he was hungry an I sed ok Twiz. So i went an I mad him a sanwich of sum bred an a cucumber an three bits of a bit of cheese an sum lil bits of spagetti that i din eeat from the night befor and I sed “HERE WE GO TWIZ.” and he ate it and then he said “WOW YUGNICH THAT IS THE BEST SANDWICH I EVER EAT.” an I said thanks an stuff. Then he said yuo shuld start a blog becos thers so many people who don know alot abuot food but yuo do know alot abuot food so yuo shuld tell people abuot it. I wasn sure cos I spen alot of time doing cool things like thinkin of diffrent tattoo designs an wat Jasun Stathum’s favurit type of horse is and also practicing free runnin and brakedancin, but I did it anyway an then i got onto Twitster and a millionty peopl lik J.Rainer an evry1 said “WOW YUGNICH YUO ARE GUD AT THINGS LIKE FOOD NEVER STOP PLEASE.”
How do you choose a restaurant to review?
i look alot on Twitster an use my eyes an my EEARS an speeak to my frends an stuff. los of peopl always ask me to gone to placs cos they reeeeeeeeeeealy want to know wat think abuot them.
How many restaurants do you eat out in per month?
i gone to a lundun restrant prolly abuot 2 or 3 or 4 times a month but i go to placs lik ROYAL CHIKEN shop mor cos its clos to my huose an my frend Brox works ther an sumtimes he lets me eat a meal with a bit of bred an a lil bit of eggs an sum good tasty chiken an stuff.
Who is your current favourite chef?
My favurit chef is Rachel Coo cos we are semi-best-frends an she does thins with food that othr peopl like tha silly fella Renny from Norma doesn do lik make spageti with sum nice fish bits, or mayb sum lil bits of chickn bits in a egg of sumthin. She is also gud cos she likes gud things like blu rays an all the best songs by tha INSANe clown posse an lipstik made with sum pigs blood. I also lik the ribcage guy cos he make gud time tasty ribs an soon we are gonna get togethr an make a event wen he makes sum chiken ribs an sells them an they called “YUGNICHS BLOODY GOOD CHIKEN RIBS YUM.”
What is your current favourite restaurant concept?
One that i inveted is my favurit. evryone sits on cool bean bags an watchs the matrix for a lil whil then we mayb put on sum dubstep an send out all the food on skatebords an the food is a mix of evryones fav bits like crisps an big jucy meeat piles an i think evryone gets to drink sum sprite and stuff. then when the food is gud evryone gets to use the skatboards to do ther favurit tricks an stuff. the hole time i will prolly be in the corner doin thins like press ups and free runnin.
Most underated Local Restaurant? (and maybe most overated!)
ther is a very nic plac near to my home and it is “THE HARVESTER” an it not as good as MEEATLIQUOR or places lik Ribcage guys Ribs but yuo can get los of food an los of salad and thers sumtimes free running areas in the back so its good for me to go cos i can practic an eat heealth an lots of chics normally see me.
How has bloggin in general changed your outlook on food/restauarants?
I think it maks me a lot mor profesional cos now i am 1 bigtime food guy alot of peopl want me to tel them wat fud they shud eeat so i cant go to places an shuot at peopl for not likin hoobastank or mudvayne or stuf lik i used to. it also a lot bettr cos now los of peopl writ abuot wat they eat an stuf wich is very intresting cos sumtim i look at a fella in the street an think “i wuner wat that fella ate for his lunch an wethr he thuoght it was gud”. but then i normly watch him more an mayb he trips on a dog or a rat or summin an i think “that fella prolly just ate a bit of rice an mayb a glass of milk an then cried wen he was watchin sumin lame” an i don care anymor.
What’s the biggest mistake a restaurant can make in your opinion?
if yuo walk in to a restraunt an three fellas come up to yuo an punch yuo in yuor middle a hundred times then steeal all yuor money then hit yuor dog to deth then steeal yuor car an driv it into a bin then thas pretty horribl. it wuldn be too bad for me cos i wuld prolly just ruondhouse them fellas and say “ill have a burger thanks!” but it wuld be sucky for other peeopl an stuff.
What has been your all-time favourite restaurant experience to date?
the time that the restrant DABOOZ calld me an sed “yugnich we want yuo to com to our restraunt we cus we had all the big time food guys ecept for one. yuo” so i said okay ill com an then Rachel Coo calld me an said “yugnich i wan to go to DABOOZ but i cant get a table an stuff can u help me” so I said okay an me an rachel coo wen to DABOOZ an ate the smoky cow pile an sum other bits an then everyon in the restrant said “gosh im bored” so i quickly went an did som freerunnin an then my two bes frends J.Rainer an Griles Conran cam in an sed “gud job yugnich”. it was quite good.